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Ratatoullie Mapping Process

Scenes: 2
Values: fearful to courageous, insecure to secure
Beats: 4 .  Linguini in this scene he has a lot of fear, and pression, because the others cookers said him what he put in his plates, so he looks very incompetente to decide what they going to do. But when Remy enters the kitchen, and defends it takes courage to face the other cooks, also is the moment that take a decision, and explain their what he desfends Remy and why he could cook very well. But in his explaining the cookers offended and disappointed him. So pass the happy and confident person to unhhapy person.

Why this happened? because the character map

Mask: Linguini is the son of the chef Gusteau, pacific , shy,  distracter and "desesperante" person, but he is that because all the things that happened him, like the died of his mother, in all the jobs that have was fired. Is a stupid person. 

Fears: Cause he was fired in all his jobs, he don't have de confident to do something, he have a lot of dubts about his capacities, fear to demostrated what he can do. And he don't have the power of the decision. 

Strong Traits: Is dishonest person, I consider this a stronger traits, because he demostrate that he can deceive to thje pothers chef nthat he can made food, like his father. Is a good person, he don't make anyone to enyone, he is like a friendly person. Also he is an entrepreneur person, because he has many ideas about he can do for the benefit of him and others. He is a dreamer and a good heart. 

Admirable Traits: willpower, know how to cook, make decisions very quickly, people who are successfully. Like Colette. 

Trouble Traits: He don't know cooked, he trusth in every person that is nice with hoim, he do not leave things as he would like that out,  when he have to decide fast things he get nervous and  he can't decide quickly, and he stay in shock.

Dark Side: He takes advantage of the kindness of people and their trust. 

Mapping Process

Want: Keep his job 
Need: keep the job of his father

Leap of Faith: he forget all his fears, and he think very fast what they do for attending Ego.