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lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

James Dean a Cultural Icon!!

His full name was James Byron Dean, some people knew it as Jimmy Dean. He was an American film actor, the best-known as a movie icon and star of Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden and Giant.

James Dean was born on February 8, 1931, at the Seven Gables apartment house in Marion, Indiana. After grade school, he moved to New York to be an actor. His early film efforts were strictly bit parts: a sailor in the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis overly frantic musical comedy Sailor Beware; a GI in Samuel Fuller's moody study of a platoon in the Korean War, and a youth in the Piper Laurie-Rock Hudson comedy Has Anybody Seen My Gal.

Dean was the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and remains the only actor to have had two posthumous acting nominations. He was a sexually ambiguous, sensitively intelligent Angry Young Man whose dramatic intensity lit up a generation of filmgoers.

Dean's enduring fame and popularity rests on performances in only these three films, all leading roles. He had major roles in only three movies. In the Elia Kazan production of John Steinbeck's East od Eden he played Caleb, the "bad" brother who couldn't force affection from his stiff-necked father. His true starring role, the one which fixed his image forever in American culture, was that of the brooding red-jacketed teenager Jim Stark in Nicholas Ray's Rebel without a Cause. George Stevens' filming of Edna Ferber's Giant.

Giant was his last movie, which he played the non-conforming cowhand Jett Rink who strikes it rich when he discovers oil, was just coming to a close when Dean, driving his Porsche Spyder race car, collided with another car while on the road near Cholame, California on September 30, 1955He had received a speeding ticket just two hours before. James Dean was killed almost immediately from the impact from a broken neck. He was 24. His very brief career, violent death and highly publicized funeral transformed him into a cult object of apparently timeless fascination.

James dean. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.answers.com/topic/james-dean

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Make a play?

Three 3 years ago, I had to live some troubles that I never imagined, on of my biggest challenges was to make a lay with my classmates that involved my friends and my notes.

I remembered that class stared and the teacher said to all us that we had to make a play. not only our group also the rest of the literature classes had to make. In that moment i¡I felt a kind of chill, because of all the rumors that I heard were bad because the play was a bad experiences son I decided to go away from that things. Also I was with my friends and I didn't have to be worry about it.

All of the plays were a William Shakespeare's tribute, the play that we had to make was Coroliano, nobody knew it, so everybody bought the book and started to read. The teacher said that we needed to choose what we want to be on the play, some was excited to come an actor or actress, I wanted to do the advertisement, obviously my friends too. Every body had their work, my advertisement team had a lot of ideas to promote the play, but we didn't have a logo design. So we decided that each of one made some sketch....

But one of my friend decided to be the leader, and she became crazy because of the power , that she had obtained. Our friendship was danger and didn't talk for months, also I had problems with the director because I didn't agree with his decisions about the play because he thought he was the biggest artist in the world.

Almost that we were presenting the play, we had a meeting I decided to talk with the director and explained what I felt, so for my biggest surprise he had the mutual thing, and we resolved the problems, also with my friend. We make the peace and we presented the play, there wasn't the best but we had the experience to work together, that we didn't agree every time and that we can work if we said all the things that we are agree and aren't.

Maria Fernanda Paula Terrazas